Landing Gear


Wheels and Brakes





Wheels & Brakes


The Wheels & Brakes business designs, manufactures, tests and supports aircraft wheel and braking systems for more than 200 commercial, civil and military aircraft applications worldwide.

Products include electric and hydraulically actuated brakes with steel or carbon friction material, brake control systems, tire pressure monitoring systems and brake temperature monitoring systems.



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בינה נט תקשורת ומחשבים
הפריון 4 אזור תעשייה צפוני  אשדוד
נייד: 050-349-777-5 פקס:153-50-349-777-5

Aerospace Engineering   /   Tel: 03-6910444,  Fax: 03-6090003  /  39  Shaul Hamelech Blvd., B-605, Tel-Aviv 64928 

Aerospace Engineering

Tel: 03-6910444

Fax: 03-6090003

Shaul Hamelech Blvd., B-605, Tel-Aviv 64928