​Emergency Breathing


Essex manufactures a range of emergency breathing equipment, referred to as smoke hoods, which aid individuals in a variety of emergency, rescue and escape situations from fire, smoke, and toxic chemicals.

Essex emergency breathing devices are self-contained respirators.  Self-contained respirators provide breathable air or oxygen to the user while removing the exhaled carbon dioxide.

Applications include commercial airlines, corporate jets, U.S. government agencies, military, law enforcement, homeland defense, first responders, high-rise building occupants and industrial companies both domestic and international.


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נייד: 050-349-777-5 פקס:153-50-349-777-5

Aerospace Engineering   /   Tel: 03-6910444,  Fax: 03-6090003  /  39  Shaul Hamelech Blvd., B-605, Tel-Aviv 64928 

Aerospace Engineering

Tel: 03-6910444

Fax: 03-6090003

Shaul Hamelech Blvd., B-605, Tel-Aviv 64928